We help and provide a therapy service to a wide range of people and the aim of the client spotlight is to give new and existing clients an insight into what treatments we provide and how First Choice Therapy can help you!

For the first client spotlight, I spoke with Simon Harmer who’s been coming into the clinic since September 2020. Simon is a dance teacher who helps run projects throughout the year working with people who also have an interest in various variations of dance and music. Simon began coming to the clinic after his previous therapist stopped practicing, requiring maintenance treatments to ensure that he’s able to maintain a busy schedule of teaching, going to the gym, and participating in various activities.
How did First Choice Therapy compare to other places you had tried etc?
My previous therapist was very experienced and had come to understand my body well. When I decided to try Lewis I had been to two other therapists but had not been happy with the sessions. Lewis from the start seemed to understand what I needed and I have been having a very beneficial monthly session ever since.
Did you have any issues that needed resolving?
When I first came to Lewis I had some discomfort with my spine and left shoulder. This was almost certainly due to the amount of work I was doing on the laptop with little regard to my posture. Lewis advised a height-adjustable saddle stool which has helped enormously. I also change position regularly using an ironing board as a height-adjustable workstation.
I also had problems with my left glute but a program of stretching and strengthening exercises has helped. I like the program Lewis uses for recommended exercises with the video clips ensuring you perform them correctly.
How Does coming to the clinic help you with your life/hobbies/sports etc?
My aim is to stay healthy and flexible as I am now 64. My sessions with Lewis aim to maintain my aging body in good condition and prevent injury. I have 5 granddaughters some of whom I do childcare each week, which is quite physical in its way. I am also a dancer and dance teacher with rehearsals and performances to prepare for.
Take a look at some of Simon's work from back in 2020…….
Has your treatment changed since you started coming to the clinic? if so how?
My treatment has changed from treating specific injuries to focusing on maintaining and strengthening my body. I previously had acupuncture so was happy to try dry needling as part of my program. I find it extremely beneficial to reduce tension in muscle groups. Recently I have had some issues with my left knee and the needling with specific exercises has been great.
What would you say to someone who is considering having massage/therapy/dry needling?
I would recommend that we all should take care of our bodies. I always come away from my sessions with Lewis feeling relaxed, taller, and lighter. It helps me physically and mentally tackle my busy and demanding schedule.
A massive thank you to Simon for answering the questions and taking part in the first client spotlight. If you have any questions regarding booking in at the clinic then don’t hesitate to ask!