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Katie C - Client Spotlight

Lewis Sandy

A big thankyou to Katie who took time to write this amazing client spotlight for us!Find below her experience with the clinic and all the different ways we've helped her!

Going to see Lewis is really much more than a back appointment. Its sort of a cathartic getting weight off your shoulders whilst they are being rubbed…and poked and prodded sort of experience.

I started going to see Lewis when I was getting tension headaches that were getting increasingly worse due to the work from home shift during COVID. He quickly built a rapport and after a few treatments I could really tell that I had much less tension in my back, neck and shoulders which resulted in a lot less discomfort. I continued my appointments

with him as I wanted to ensure it didn’t get bad again. During my monthly appointments, Lewis would make sure he asked me how I was. Often prompting me to speak ab

out some discomfort that you forgot about because you just carried on. One time I had a really achy hip which gave Lewis great excitement as he got to practice dry needling on me.

I had to stop going for a short period of time when I found out I was pregnant, but after 12 weeks I started revisiting. As a normally active person I was really impressed with how little my joints ached from pregnancy, and I do put a lot of this down to my regular treatments. One pain I did experience was aching in my ribs, which Lewis helped relieve by using sports tape to support my muscles. This really was above and beyond our normal back appointments. After I gave birth Lewis was able to advise on diastasis recti (separation of ab muscles) and even took the time to help with two complete curveball pains I was experiencing in my finger and knee, of all places. Following up with exercises to do at home to speed up recovery. This was really important as I also run my own Event and Project Management company, which is a physically demanding role. Lewis has advised and helped me safely build my strength back up to enable me to return to work as quickly as possible.

My visits to Lewis are always a highlight, we have a chat – I learn what he has baked, which band he is off to see play or where he has taken his Nan to dinner that month and I get to tell him all the things on my mind. Keeping my back healthy means I can get on with everyday life. As Callie my daughter is growing, so is the amount I scrabble around on the floor and lift her awkwardly. It’s hard to juggle being a new mum and a business owner however by putting myself first and making sure I have regular treatments I can ensure I am in the best health to be there for my family and my work.

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Lewis warrington

Went to First choice for a back massage to loosen my stiff back. Lewis was really knowledgeable and had a very professional manner when working on me. Will definitely recommend to anyone with any sort of back pain or sports injury!

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